For parking mode, we highly recommend to buy the VIOFO HK3 ACC hardwire kit cables.
Below is the change log for V1.5 version.
1. Added: New parking mode solution, support VIOFO 2 wires and 3 wires ACC hardwire kit.
2. Added: 2fps, 3fps options for time lapse parking mode
3. Added: Support show SSID, Car License number, Customize Text on APP.
4. Added: Support rear camera mirror
5. Added: Time zone option: -2:30
6. Updated: Support take a video snapshot while lock the video by remote control
7. Updated: Wake up the screen first while press the Menu / Rec / Mic / Video Source switch button in screen save mode;
8. Updated: Date format YY/MM/DD changed to YY – MM – DD
9. Updated: Enter parking mode duration 90s changed to 5mins while use 2 wires hardwire cable